Sunday, December 8, 2019

Smith Family Gingerbread

Important message from Preston
 Jacob ~ Matt's face in the back makes me laugh. Weston must have blown his mind.
 Mike showing Preston the beginnings of his duck pond.... Nova making a chimney
 Nova (Leo & Melissa)
 Miah's friend made a puppy out of Lindor truffles and mini tootsie rolls
 Jorja & Michael
We got a surprise text while doing gingerbread.
Stockton and Elder Kelly with a cute family.
 Melissa and Nova
 Sherry and Matt ~ Sherry's contribution was the bananas. Hahaha!
 Miah's friend
 Friend and Miah
 Sherry, Matt, Friend, Miah
 Weston, Jacob, Shannon, Steve
 Yes, the gingerbread man is about to detonate a bomb
 Preston lit candles that say dynamite on them
 He is planning on making the wreckage next week at the Millburn gingerbread party
 Oh boy.....
 Mike made the yard for his duck pond. He is planning on making a duck house next week.
 Jorja, Preston, Maysen, Mike
After everyone left, we actually had energy to decorate our Christmas tree! Maysen decided to go home tomorrow morning, so we are taking advantage of having her here!
 Mike 3D printed a goose topper
Jorja wanted to do family paint night. Mike was the only one willing to play along. Mike painted a duck and Jorja painted quarters. Too bad we couldn't find an Arizona quarter. I must find one for her.

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