Thursday, January 23, 2020

Chief Ouray

It was history day at Preston's school. Mike and I went down there to see Preston's presentation. He made a website and had information about Chief Ouray. He did such a great job. His teachers told us how impressed they were with him. I guess they asked the students to use a certain program and it didn't work very well at all, especially the layout. Preston figured out workarounds and made his look much better than the program was letting them. Haha. That's my boy!
I went to book club at Stephanie Waddoup's house. The book was Atomic Habits. I had tried to buy it awhile ago, but I guess I only got the Cliff's Notes version. Whoops. I talked to Javita a long time after it was over. Sounds like things are looking really well for Damian.

I drove up to Logan today to bring Maysen home. We had her car because of using it to take people to the cabin. Maysen and I checked out the new pizza place by her apartment. She liked it so much she decided this is where she would like her graduation dinner. It was very yummy.

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