Saturday, January 18, 2020

Jackson Hole

We took the girls to Jackson Hole today. In my thirty plus years of going to the cabin, we have never been to Jackson Hole. At least as part of the cabin trip. I think I have been here with my family when I was little. Anyway, Jackson Hole is only 45 minutes away and Jorja thought it would be fun to check it out. There was a cute square that had an outdoor ice rink on it. Too bad it was $12 a person. Lots of souvenir shops and a delicious pizza restaurant. I had the Chewbacca pizza and it was so so good! It had honey on it for random. Why have I never put honey on pizza before?
Annie, Paige, Elle, Jorja, Ellie, Aysha, Seurette, Parker, Jessie
 $12 ice skating
Stephanie, Jorja (who wouldn't stop dancing), Preston, Mike
I made Jorja stop and take a picture while we were leaving the pizza restaurant. Look in the background. The resort ski hill is right there. It looked sooo cool! Doesn't look amazing in pictures, but I thought it was great! Jorja was wanting me to hurry. The rest of the group had already crossed the street and I was being slow. Haha.
 Of course I had to send this picture to Jordyn
Three other girls came up today. Kelsey, Kate and Ella. Kelsey is the head cheerleader and they had a competition this weekend. They did great and got second in region. Just a few points shy of a nationally ranked school. Pretty cool. Kate had youth conference. It was so cool of these girls to come up for a bit! Kelsey and Kate are going home tomorrow. Crazy girls!

We went night sledding and it was so fun! Kelsey has never played in the snow before! WHAT? I had her wear my snow stuff and I wore a cabin snowsuit. She had a blast! I have no pictures because it was so dark, but it was pretty fun.

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