Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Today is the first day of the second semester. Jorja ended up getting all As with two A-. Math and physics. Not bad. Jorja didn't like her seminary teacher last semester. Stockton had the same teacher his senior year and didn't like him either. I heard about him a lot. A few weeks ago when I had to check Jorja out because she was sick, I was talking to the seminary secretary. I asked her if they would switch teachers or try and keep them with the same ones. She said they would try and keep them with the same teacher unless they were asked differently. I asked her if she could move Jorja. She said no problem and that she was working on the class lists right then. Welp, Jorja got the same teacher. She texted me in a panic about it. I tried and tried to call, but no one would pick up the phone. Anyways, I eventually got through and was able to get Jorja moved to a different class. Two of Jorja's really good friends are in her old class this semester, but Jorja said she just couldn't do it. Spencer, her ex boyfriend, is also in the class. I think it would be super annoying for her to be in seminary with him. Maybe another class, but not seminary. After all, he broke up with her because he 'had a prompting'. That is all well and good, but was the prompting for him to ghost her all summer? I think it would be really annoying for Jorja to have to listen to him being all righteous, knowing that he wasn't kind to her at all.

Anyway, for the youth activity tonight they went iceskating. Jorja texted me to let me know she lost Preston. Ahhh! I asked her if they were at the rink. She never answered. Losing him at the rink is one thing. Losing him before they got there would be another. She just couldn't find him. He was with Darius. They both came back with sore feet and asked if they could take ice skating lessons in the summer. Haha.

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