Friday, February 28, 2020

Hippie Salt Flats

Jorja has been working on a video for her student government campaign. She wanted to film her part out at the Salt Flats, which are about two hours away. So early this morning, I drove to the Salt Flats while Mike and Jorja slept in the car. (Mike was going to do a lot of driving today.) Anyway, we found a spot that was beautiful to film. Jorja looked adorable. I hope the footage we got works for her. These were the pictures off of my phone before it shut down. The first three pictures are my favorite.
 Jorja & Mike
Jorja is planning on lip syncing to this video
This is where my phone died. Mike also got some drone footage and I bet the stuff on the fancy camera looks great. Jorja had a few selfies on her camera. It was funny because she was signed into her friends 'Lightroom' account for some reason. She didn't realize it, but all her random selfies were being uploaded onto his account. She left him a message when she figured it out. Luckily none were too embarrassing. Here is a montage of Jorja's selfies.
 Driving home now
 This is when Jorja realized she was signed into Ivan's account ~ whoops
Jorja taught me a tik tok dance
Mike packed up and headed to the cabin with Maysen and Preston. Jorja headed out to lunch with Ben. Jorja's oil light came on while they were together and Ben helped her with that.
Ben & Jorja
 Jorja and her new car
Jorja brought her work stuff so she could go straight there, but forgot her shoes. I had to run them down to her because these 90 style looking shoes weren't going to work.
Cambree & Jorja
Mike was wondering if there would be enough snow at the cabin to play. Well, he sent me these pictures after they arrived. No worries there! It took him fifteen minutes to dig the 4 wheeler out of the garage.
The 4-wheeler exit
 The entrance Mike climbed in
 He did it!

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