Thursday, February 13, 2020


Jorja missed school today. She slept the entire day. She was feeling better by the time school was over. She hurried to the school as it ended for another prom meeting. Then she went to work. She was glad she went even though she has been sick. Five people called in sick today. They had to send people over from another store to cover. Jorja had to close so she got back late. Someone called as she was getting into her car. Her phone automatically pairs to her speaker and she was having a hard time hearing him. She had the brilliant idea to put her AirPod in. Except it's harder to do with her prom nails still on. Her AirPod fell out of her ear and she couldn't find it. Finally she came home and we looked with her. It fell in her console that couldn't be taken apart. We spent over an hour trying to get it out, but we only succeeded in pushing it farther down. Jorja was upset. She said she just wanted something to go her way this week. It has been the worst week she has had in a long time. Too bad we couldn't get a win for her.

I gave the kids and Mike the Valentines presents I had gotten them. Jorja has ACT camp tomorrow that she will need to leave straight from school. It is at BYU and finishes at 9:30. Fun way to spend Valentines day. At least she has some friends she is going with, and Miah will be there too. Anyway, Preston helped me pick out different face cards for everybody. We found some yellow ones for Jorja. Mine looked cool on the website, but they are super hard to see in person. Disappointed in that. We got Mike some that are good for people with poor vision. Preston's has ducks. Too bad the AirPod disappointment kind of rained on our parade. Oh well.

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