Thursday, February 6, 2020

Pink Team

Mike took the day off of work and spent the entire day working on the Amazing Race. He is a perfectionist. I hope Jorja loves it! Jorja and Bode went and bought matching pink shirts then came to our house to decorate them. They put Sweethearts on the front then Chinese characters on one of the sleeves. Jorja and Bode were in the Chinese program together growing up. Bode always paints these characters on his arm. I think the characters say 'earth' 'wind' 'fire' 'air'. They also got pink hats and put a 'J' and a 'B' on them. They will be adorable.
I sewed the ribbon down the middle of Jorja's dress. It looks much better. I want her to try it on and see if I should sew a ribbon around the waist.
Stephanie the seamstress
Mike made sushi one last time before we drop off the other two mats to Chloe's mom. It was delicious. Even Preston liked it. Preston. Wow.

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