Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Cancelled and Busy

Kerity had to cancel her appointment with Jorja because they work out at Shandon's house, and his daughter just came home from her mission and needs to be quarantined for two weeks. It is also really cold outside, so that doesn't sound fun. I think that is better. We didn't want to cancel, but now we don't need to feel bad. Jorja was on call-in for work today and they didn't need her. Yay! She worked a lot on school work and was able to get all her history done. The quarter ends on Friday and she still has a ton to do. Crazy with the SBO campaign going on. Elections start on Friday as well. Jorja still has Chinese, math and English. Fingers crossed she can get it all done! These next two days are going to be busy! For Jorja. Not for anyone else in our house.

We asked Mike how he was doing, dentist wise, on the group chat. He said they have shut most everything down. They can only see emergencies. If they are found out they are in violation they can get hit pretty hard with fines, or revocation of licenses or jail time. So, they closed up and only see emergencies for two hours a day, and they screen them pretty hard. Mike works tomorrow then doesn't work again until April 10th. Mike only gets paid when he works, so that is not a welcomed thing for him. We are lucky our Mike can work from home. Granted, brother Mike makes a ton more, so hopefully all is well! Sure do love both of my Mikes!

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