Sunday, March 15, 2020

She's Home!!!

We had 'home church' today and it was amazing. Mike and Preston blessed and passed the sacrament. Jorja and Mike gave a little message. We listened to a chapter of Saints. It was perfect. Our bishop gave us permission to do the sacrament at home. My dad, Matt and Bubs were given permission as well. Mike's ward was setting up families to have church together in someone's home. Mike didn't want to go and the bishop gave him permission to do the sacrament at home. John's bishop did not give permission, neither did Brett's. Brett's bishop gave them permission to do it on March 29th though. Brett asked the ward clerk about it. He said because the church guidance said to allow for the sacrament at least once a month, which the stake president interpreted as to allow the sacrament only once a month. John's bishop said they are waiting on further guidance from the Stake President, but their old ward which is in the same stake was given permission. Weird how every ward is so different right now.

Mike and I drove up to Logan to move Maysen's things home. When we got there we found out she was given permission to come home tonight! Yay!!! She is now all moved out and safely at home. We are going to get the guest room set up for her tomorrow. She wants her own space. So great to have her home! I wish she would have been able to have more time with her roommate Mei'lani though, they really got along. Nice to end on a good note!
Me'lani and Maysen
Jorja also found out that all Chick-Fil-A stores will close on March 20th. Wow. Wonder what will happen with that. I think it is just the dining area though, it looks like drive thru will still be open.

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