Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Social Distancing

Jorja did not like it when we told her she wouldn't be able to hang out with her friends for awhile. We told her she could go to work, but that was pretty much it. She doesn't understand. Tons of her friends went on a hike today and I wouldn't let her go. They stopped by to drop her off a skateboard. She went to get it and was out there for a long time. I kept texting her to come inside and was super annoyed by the time that was over. I tried to explain to her how serious this is, but when no one else is social distancing it is hard to understand. That was the only rough patch of the day though. The rest of the day was pretty fun. We even got the office organized. Big accomplishment for us.
Jorja's station
Jorja found this video of Preston cheering for her at one of her soccer games.
Jorja & Ben
 Riley & Jorja
 Ben & Jorja
I talked to Rachel for a long time today. It was nice. I sent pictures to her of the stockings I'm working on.
Rachel's stocking
 Kaylee's stocking
 This is what Kaylee's stocking is going to look like
Maysen found out today that she didn't get the internship at the Friend. That is too bad. She would have been fantastic at that job. It's good and bad to be so close. It's awesome that she went as far in the process as she did. But it almost is harder to not get it when she was so close. We really thought she had it when they contacted her and asked for her bishop's and stake president's contact information. I wonder what she is going to end up doing. I know whatever she does she will be amazing at it.

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