Friday, March 27, 2020

You Are Not Alone

Student body officer voting starts today. It is online voting and Jorja is really nervous. She had been working on a video for months, but didn't think she would be able to finish it. She decided to try. She had me wake her up really early so we could go to Alta to get the sunrise. We didn't get the sunrise, but we got lots of other pictures. Right as we got there Jorja realized she didn't have her yearbook. We called Mike and he brought her yearbook and the drone. We took some videos on the football field. Some idiot must have run some kind of cart through the fence, because how else would it be destroyed like this. I know it wasn't like this yesterday during the day.
The same people probably did this idiotic stunt to the A. Jorja wanted to film in front of it. Mike had left by this point, he stayed for the football field stuff. Jorja made some signs in the car before we drove around the school to the A... then we saw this. I tried to get it off, but it was soooo heavy! Finally, I stood on one end of the A, Jorja stood on the other and we were able to rock the cart enough until it fell off. In times of crisis, some people spend their time spreading good, and some use it as a time to be complete idiots.
Jorja ended up finishing her video and posting it around noon, right as the voting went live. It turned out so good! Lots of people ended up sharing her video. One of Jorja's best friends, Ben, shared the video. The boy that is running against Jorja got mad at him for it. Wow. He definitely has not been kind through this entire thing. Anyway, Jorja did another music video to a One Direction song. I'm guessing the title is We Are Not Alone, but I'm not sure. Anyway, the video is amazing! It is too long to post on here, so I took screenshots again. It started with Jorja on the football field looking through her yearbook.
 Then there was lots of clips of different school year stuff
This is where the singing started. Jorja did not like how the salt flat stuff turned out and wanted to redo it this morning. I'm so glad she didn't do it, because I love it. I guess it was a good thing it was freezing outside! Made her be okay with the salt flats. Haha
Been a lot of places
 I've been all around the world (Jorja was spinning)
 Love this smile!
The next line of the song was 'Seen a lot of faces.' Jorja had lots of pictures of random people really fast right here. Here are a few of them.
 On the horizon
 The sun will be rising, back home
This next part turned out really cool. She had the next eight lines she had people send them selfie videos of them singing those lines. She clipped each person singing one word together and it turned out fantastic! Here are just a few of the people from that part. It was so cool! Especially since everyone is now quarantined and stuck at home.
The next few lines were sung by different clubs at Alta. Jorja had spent a long time filming different clubs before the quarantine started. The first club was the Kazoo club and they blew their kazoos during the line and it was so funny and just perfect.
Kazoo Club
 Ooooh, oh ~ Robotics Club
 Don't forget where you belong ~ ASL Club, they signed their part...super cool
 Ooooh, oh ~ GSIA club
 If you ever feel alone ~ PLT
 Ooooh, oh ~ Hawkapella
 You were never on your own ~ Link Crew
 And the proof is in this song
 drone footage
 Jorja ended the video with these signs while she sang the last verse
The video turned out amazing! Jorja posted it on Instagram with the caption: This video is about Alta. I started it as part of my campaign technically, but more important to show how much love and inclusion is shown at Alta High school. Honestly, because of everything going on right now, it turned out nothing like I wanted it to. But I think that made it even better. :) As we're in a time of panic and confusion I hope you remember that Alta is a place of love and belonging. I love you!!! We are ONE we are ALTA!!!

And now voting is live. Jorja has worked so hard all four years of highschool for this opportunity. She has worked so hard through this campaign. Fingers crossed for her! Voting is live until Monday. Jorja has no idea when she will find out if she won or not. The rest of the day Jorja spent frantically working on homework. The quarter also ends today. She worked on homework nonstop until it was time to go to work. She agreed to work for someone today at the beginning of the week, but didn't realize that she would run out of time. Luckily Madison covered a couple hours of the shift, so Jorja didn't need to go in until 5:00. Jorja closed and got home late. Then she worked on Chinese until bed. Luckily a few of her classes pushed back the due dates until Monday. I think she still has an English essay and a physics project. What a day!

In other news. Maysen's duck Cream is being picked on by the other ducks. Mike brought Cream in and gave her a bath and some snacks. She was pretty calm, which is unusual. Usually the ducks go crazy!
Cream and Mike
 Cream and Maysen
 Cream and Preston
 Love Preston's smile!

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