Monday, April 20, 2020


Stockton did have a baptism on Saturday! I think this is the first baptism in this area in over two years A 17 year old girl named Victoria got baptized. Only ten people were allowed to come because of social distancing. But, they were able to live stream the baptism and something like 150 people tuned in to watch! Victoria had been going to seminary and a lot of her seminary class watched. Her Grandma who lives in California watched. She is not a member. She called Victoria's parents and told them she felt the spirit so strong during the baptism that she would like a Book of Mormon and to meet with the missionaries. The mom called up Stockton and said this needs to happen ASAP! Haha. The mom didn't want to risk her changing her mind. Stockton figured out what mission she was in and called the mission office. They got a recording that said they would be back in the office on Monday at 10. Stockton didn't like that. He did some more digging and found a phone number for the ward she lives in. Stockton thought he was calling the bishop, but the missionaries answered! Stockton was super happy to give them a referral and they were equally happy to receive it.
Stockton, Victoria, Elder Jenson
Maysen and I ventured out and went to Harmons. There is a post office there. She was able to mail her final project to her teacher. One week early and she is done with that class. So close to finishing!

Jorja worked today. We talked for a long time after work. Until about one in the morning. It went really well. Hopefully things will be better from now on. I love her so much.

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