Saturday, April 4, 2020


So we did a thing today....

First, we started off watching conference, which was awesome. It was so weird to see no one in attendance. Conference was great. Right as the first session ended, Mike took the three kids and they drove up to Provo. We had talked to the kids a few weeks ago about the possibility of getting a dog. I am very against dogs. I don't like them. At all. But this pandemic has made things a little weird. If we got a dog now, Mike and all the kids could be with him to get adjusted and I wouldn't be there alone. Maysen has a lot of experience with dogs and how to take care of them from her vet days. She has always wanted to train a dog. She is now home. Jorja has been asking for a dog for years. She wants one she can cuddle with and love. Preston loves dogs. We are hoping this will take him away from his computer and get him exercise. Jorja found a dog that she fell in love with on KSL. His name is Bear. She contacted the people two days ago, but someone was coming the next day to look at him. Yesterday they contacted Jorja and said the other people didn't end up coming. Jorja made an appointment for our family to come see Bear today. Bear is an Australian Shepherd and about 7 months old. I didn't want to come. I told the kids I wouldn't like any dog and I would be scared of every dog, so do they really want me there. I talked to all of them before they left about not just going with their heart. Really think of me and make sure it is a dog I would be okay with. And Stockton as well. My ideal dog wouldn't bark, shed, jump up, drool, or hurt the ducks. I'm not really a fan of dog characteristics. Mike, Jorja and Preston 100% think with their hearts. Maysen is more practical. I was glad she was there with them. She sent me a text that said, "Bear is silent, not licking. Completely house-trained and crate-trained. Has had some shots. Trained to come, sit, stay." He also grew up around chickens. That's good news. She also sent me this video.
They ended up getting the dog today. Maysen texted, "Driving for a while and dog still very calm, still no barks or slobber. Good breath and teeth, so they obviously took good care of him....Bear did not bark in the store and was very calm."
Jorja' Preston's head and Bear
 Preston and Bear
 Bear and Jorja
I totally missed the clock turning to the 200s. I was washing my hands then went to check the clock only to see I missed it. Whoops.
 Bear listening to conference
 Stephanie working on Kaylee's stocking, Maysen talking about the dog. Bear laying there.
 Maysen & Bear
 Bear likes to lay down like a bear rug
Mike dropped Jorja off at Chick-Fil-A so she missed Bear's first few hours at home. She seemed to entertain herself though. She and her friend Hannah (who is also Melissa Cutler's daughter) made different frozen drinks. This one is an 'every sauce' drink. The video was too long to put it on here though. But this delicious drink has every single sauce with ice-cream. Chick-Fil-A, Polynesian, ranch, honey mustard, buffalo, sriracha, honey mustard barbecue and barbecue. Spoiler alert... it did not taste good.  Jorja ended the video by saying, "This can be ordered at any Chick-Fil-A. It's on the secret menu. Ask for a frosted Chick-Fil-A supreme, mega-ultimate shake. Haha. That girl doesn't have any fun at all.

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