Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Brandon's Home!

Jorja got up early again this morning to go on a hike with Madison. She works with her almost every day, so she is one of the few people Jorja is allowed to hang out with. The two of them had a great time.
Madison & Jorja
Mike took the day off of work. He has been working longer hours now that he works from home. When he drove to work, he had to get home before dark because his headlights don't work right now. Here, he gets carried away and it is 9:00 at night before he realizes it. So, today he took an official day off and spent it filling the dumpster. We got rid of lots of stuff. Even fun stuff like the basketball hoop and the air hockey table. Preston's room looks so big now! It's great! I started going through our filing cabinet and throwing away things we don't need. The bonus was I found some fun gems. Like Grandma Honey's Furby trick list. She LOVED those Furbies. It was adorable. This will take me several days to get through. Hopefully I find some more fun stuff. I did send my brothers a copy of a letter John wrote his first week in the MTC. It was funny.
Brandon came home from his mission today. His 24 months would have been up on July 24, but because of corona, they are sending lots of missionaries home early. His mission was changed to 21 months. We drove by his house and waved to him. I didn't get a picture though. We then went to Chick-Fil-A to see Jorja in her new mask. They had to start wearing them today. Jorja is not a fan.
Bear on a bear rug
 Preston and Bear

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