Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Double Major

If corona hadn't happened... Mike and I would have driven Jorja and Preston up to Logan. We had reserved a room at the University Inn, right in the middle of campus. I was excited about that. We reserved it back in January. Her graduation would have officially been tomorrow, but since she is 100% finished, we thought we would celebrate today. Jorja was on call for work, but luckily they didn't need her. She helped me make cupcakes. Maysen was very specific. She wanted yellow cupcakes with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. She chose a yellow cake from a box and homemade frosting. Last time I was in Logan with Maysen we tried out a new pizza restaurant by her apartment. She decided that would be the perfect place for a graduation dinner. Welp, that didn't happen. She ended up wanting a grilled cheese from Leatherbys, but they weren't making that. So... we ordered ice-cream and food from Leatherbys and Zupas.
Maysen ~ I put this picture first because I love it
 (The candles say 'celebrate')
 Maysen & Mike
 Stephanie, Maysen, Mike
 Maysen, Preston, Mike, Jorja
 Maysen, Preston, Mike, Jorja, Stephanie
 Maysen, Mike, Preston, Stephanie, Jorja
 I asked Maysen to throw her hat. She kept throwing it too high I couldn't get a picture. Haha
 Nice little toss for me
We watched a Fairly Odd Parent episode in the movie room to celebrate. School's Out ~ the musical. Then relaxed for the rest of the night. Maysen had 18 credits this semester. Luckily three classes were half semester classes, so she only had 12 credits to end with. They were hard classes though. She is so glad to be done! She officially graduated with a major in psychology, a major in English with a creative writing emphasis and a minor in marketing. What an amazing accomplishment!

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