Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday

Today we moved the giant beanbag we got from Lisa down to Preston's room. It wasn't the easiest thing to move, it is huge! Preston helped us push it all the way there. Getting through the doors was tricky. Preston is so happy with it in his room though.
Preston, Bear, Jorja
 Preston & Jorja
 Preston & Bear
 Bear & Mike
Jorja went on a hike today with Riley, one of the few people she is allowed to hang out with. They work together all the time. They tried to take Bear with them, but the signs said no dogs allowed. They thought about taking him anyway, but ran into someone who said a lot of rangers are out and the fine is $1,500. Yikes! They brought Bear back and went on a hike to Lisa Falls. They had a great time. After they got some frozen yogurt. They are going to try and do this once a week.
Riley & Jorja
 Jorja & Riley
Riley & Jorja
Jorja had a drive-in movie night with the new student body officers. Mike set up our movie screen in the church parking lot. They brought their cars to watch a James Bond movie. The idea was this would be okay because everyone would be in their own cars. But.... the kids were not good at social distancing. I talked to Jorja about it. She said, "We'll get in our cars when the movie starts." It won't matter then! Uggggg. At least they were in a group of less than ten. As Mike and I left we drove around with our windows down to see if the sound was too loud. It seemed fine to us. Apparently it wasn't fine for someone. A police officer was sent to investigate a noise complaint. He was nice to them though. He watched the movie for a bit and said it was a great idea. They turned the sound down two clicks and all was well.

While I was going through some old papers, I found this one. Mike made this list while I was in the hospital with baby Stockton. We were planning on naming Stockton 'Maxwell Joseph Smith' for the last part of my pregnancy. Once he was born, I just couldn't do it. Max Smith sounded weird to me. Then a pediatrician came in and said, "I have five Max Smiths in my practice." Welp. I didn't like that. Sometimes it is super annoying to have such a common name. Like when we buy a house Mike has to sign pages and pages of papers saying he doesn't owe alimony to tons of people. We changed Stockton's name four times in the hospital. I remember a nurse saying, "What are you calling him today?" I said, "Today his name is Greg." She rolled her eyes at me and said, "You guys are driving me crazy!" Hahaha. Anyway, Mike made this list and said, "Okay, we are only going to choose a name from this list." Stockton isn't even on there. Hahahaha. I really wanted Stockton's middle name to be Michael. Mike wouldn't put it on the list. He said, "If he has the middle name Michael, then he will want to go by Mike and I don't want to have a 'big Mike' 'little Mike' situation." I asked why he would go by Mike. He said, "Wouldn't everyone if they could?" Hahahahahaha. When we decided on Stockton, Mike thought he would like that more than Michael, so I got to use that for his middle name.

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