Sunday, April 12, 2020

Quarantined Easter

I tried to get my dad to do a Zoom sacrament meeting for us, but no luck. My Uncle Mark does one for his family and I am jealous. We had a great home church though. Mike always does awesome. We watched an Easter movie and I read excerpts to them from my dad's book It's Not About the Bunny, It's About the Lamb. Once church was over we went upstairs to decorate eggs. We were going to listen to a Hank Smith talk while we did it. Mike got the speaker out and I connected my phone to the speaker. Right as I did that, I got a phone call from Stockton! We weren't expecting that! It was perfect timing! We got to talk to Stockton while we were decorating eggs. He found out this morning that they were allowed to call their families for thirty minutes today. That is nice because his p-day will be so busy tomorrow, he doesn't know if he will be able to call.
Preston's Waddaluigi egg
 Mike made this Moroni egg for Stockton
 Stephanie's cactus egg
 We only decorated one a piece. We got them from our ducks.
 Jorja & Bear
We had a family Zoom with Mike's family. That was really cool. Lisa was with Aimee. Aimee is going to have her baby tomorrow! I think. She was having contractions during the Zoom. That's exciting. We ended the day by decorating cookies. We aren't the best decorators, but the cookies were delicious.
Maysen, Preston, Jorja, Mike

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