Thursday, May 7, 2020


I woke up around 8:00, which is super late for me. I checked 'Find my Friends' on my phone to see where Jorja was. I saw she was still home. Turns out both Riley and Jorja accidentally slept in. Hahaha Who could have seen that coming?
 Riley and Jorja went to breakfast instead
Mike had an eye doctor appointment today. This is with the fancy eye doctor. They are trying to work with Mike, but his eyes aren't cooperating. They fitted him with new $600 contacts they think will work better. Mike was hoping to get glasses, but they wouldn't let him. They said his eyes are too mismatched for glasses. He would constantly be throwing up if he tried to wear them. One of Mike's eyes is a -1 and one is a -9 or with the other measurements one eye is 20/30 and the other is 20/300. The doctor told him that the only real thing they could do would be a cornea transplant, but cornea's are hard to come by and right now Mike can see enough. So, that stinks.

Bear did not like Mike leaving. Jorja was gone. Maysen and Preston were asleep. After awhile I woke up Maysen so she could be there with me and Bear. Bear still wanted to lick my feet and other gross things. I hated it. I don't mind Bear at all, unless I am alone with him. Or if he smells bad or licks me or barks too much or jumps up on people. I am not a dog person. What am I going to do when life returns to normal??? Anyway, Jorja and Riley came back and took over Bear watching duty. They took Bear outside on his leash. (That is what the doctor recommended because of his surgery.) Bear chewed through his leash. Whoops.
Jorja and Riley spent the rest of the day doing homework. Riley helped Jorja with her physics. They both worked on history. They finished the rest of their history assignments for the entire year! Yay! Now that is a productive day!
Jorja & Riley
Jorja and Riley went to get gas. Jorja hooked the gas pump so she wouldn't have to hold it. She was watching the price and wanted to take the gas out when it got to $30. She did that. She just FORGOT to STOP PUMPING the gas!!!!! She spent about $2.50 on gas that got everywhere. She smelled disgusting when she got home.
Jorja quickly jumped in the shower before she headed to work. She got most of the gas smell to go away, but not all of it. Oh boy.... Jorja closed but they didn't get out until 11:00. It was busy! She went with the three other people that closed to get ice-cream and apparently hash browns from McDonalds to finish the day.
 Jake, Jorja, Sam
 Jake, Jorja, Sam, Hannah

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