Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Last Picture

Jorja had her first student government activity with the new officers. The results for the election were posted yesterday. There are two girls in each category this year. Two girl sbos, two girl senior class officers, two girl senators, two girl junior class officers and two girl sophomore class officers. Weird. Jorja is excited to not be the only girl anymore. She told me today that it is weird that she is the only senior girl that has been in student government before. Six senior girls, thirteen boys. Wish it was a bit more even. Anyway, she went down there for an hour this morning to work on putting together signs for the seniors. She had to hurry back because her AP English text was today. It's weird having them take their AP tests at home. Instead of a three hour test, it is a 45 minute free response test. We kicked everyone out of the computer room so Jorja would have no distractions. I'm glad I let her drop AP US History at the beginning of the year. This year is so weird. After the test Jorja and I helped Preston learn a dance for Chinese. Jorja filmed Preston and I dancing. Sending that video in was a difference between an A and a B in Chinese. Crazy that it was worth so much. After the dancing Jorja went out with Layla for yogurt. Layla is the other girl sbo. They wanted to talk about initiation. Jorja told me this morning that she texted Aysha and told her she didn't want to kiss anyone. She said that even though Riley said it wouldn't bother him, she didn't want to risk it. She didn't want another Conner/Traven situation. She has felt guilty about kissing Traven for so long. She met up with Layla and said they had a great time. Layla didn't want to kiss any of them either, even though she is kind of dating one of them. She didn't want to kiss Marshall in front of anyone. So, at least they are agreed on that. They are both looking forward to tonight. Should be super fun.

Switching gears... my mom died 24 years ago today. I posted this picture with this caption: Best person in the world died 24 years ago today. This was our last family picture. My brother Brett was leaving on a mission. My mom knew she would die while he was gone, but sent him anyway. Her faith was unmatched. Oh how I miss her.
Mike, Mom, Stephanie, Brett, John, Dad, Matt, Bubs
Mike commented that Matt was wearing a 6T jacket. Haha. My cousin Jeff mentioned something like he was having a tender moment remembering mom when Mike made him laugh. After I said, "See what I have to put up with?" Mike said, "At least I didn't mention how you are wearing a size 2X!" Hahahaha. I love my family. When Jorja was helping me go through some filing cabinets she found some twenty question things. I sent this to my brothers today. This is what my mom answered when I was 17 I think.
I brought my blanket and puzzle book and hung out at my mom's grave. It was such a nice day! Right as I was leaving Matt and Sam and their family showed up. They brought dinner to eat at the grave. They brought my mom's peanut butter cups in bar form. Why have I never thought of making them that way? Tons easier. It was delicious too.
 Sam & Kaylee, Matt
 Anne, Jeff, Greg and Amy in the distance
 Random picture of Preston
My family played rummy with me. I grew up playing that and canasta with my mom. Soon it was time for Jorja to head out. The outgoing sbos picked her up at 10:30. She is so excited. I hope she has the best time!
 Ellie, Jorja with red eyes, Kate, Aysha
 I tried to edit Jorja's red eyes. Not sure how good I did so I'm leaving both pictures in.

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