Monday, June 1, 2020

Almost Sunrise Hike

Jorja and Riley had plans to go on a sunrise hike. Jorja woke up at 4:30 in the morning. Riley didn't wake up. She asked me if she could hang out on the roof. I helped her get up there. Riley showed up about an hour after they had planned. He had fallen back asleep. They weren't able to go on the hike anymore, but they did hang out for a bit.
View from our roof
Jorja had a zoom meeting for Step to the U. She had some questions. Too bad she fell asleep during the meeting. Guess I shouldn't have let her get up so early. Jorja hung out with Aubrey today. She is her friend she met at ACT camp. She really likes her.
Jorja & Aubrey
Mike and I went to the store. We saw this bug parked there. We had to take a picture of the hubcaps for Jorja. She would love them!
Jorja had a student government party at Sadler's for all of the seniors in student government. She had a fun time. It was also Dallen's birthday. After the party she stopped by home to drop off her car then Riley drove her to Dallen's house.

I got to talk to Stockton today. It is so fun to hear from him. He wasn't able to talk very long. He had to go to the other missionaries apartment because it is hard to get service in his. He sounds happy and that he is getting along with his companion. Yay! I hope he enjoys this area. He sure loved his last one.

Mike and I dug a lot in the duck pond. Mike worked a lot more than me. I waited until it wasn't super hot outside. The tree is still there, but it is coming along.

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