Monday, June 29, 2020

Boat is Ours

Welp, Mike bought the boat. He got the money transferred over this morning and went and picked it up. They drove home all day today. Jorja was able to do her zoom classes. Online classes are amazing. Mike hoped to make it home today, but wasn't able to. They stopped and slept at a rest area in Idaho.
Maysen, Preston and I ran errands today. First, we dropped Maysen's phone off at Bad Apple. They had fixed her broken screen, but now the vibrator doesn't work. I'm glad we brought it back because they were able to fix it. Second stop was the dog park. Bear loved it. There were so many dogs that looked just like him.
Third, Maysen and I went into Joanne's. I was hoping to find Utah Jazz fabric, but they were out. Fourth, Maysen and I went into Best Buy and bought her a new charging cord for her Crome laptop. Finally, fifth, Preston and I went into Handle's for ice-cream. We got stuff for us and right as I was about to pay I saw a Frosty Paws item. I asked about it. It was a treat for dogs, so we decided to get it. Bear LOVED it. He licked the thing clean!

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