Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Driving Bear

Jorja got her yearbook today. Super anticlimactic. The juniors were supposed to pick up their yearbook from 10-11. Jorja was doing step to the u and asked if I would get it for her. I put her name in my windshield and headed down to Alta. They had it super organized. I found the S line and they gave me a ticket when they saw Jorja's name. I went to the next booth, still in my car, and they exchanged my ticket for her yearbook. So, that was that. Jorja finished her classes around 3:30 then hung out with Drew for a few hours. They made necklaces and played volleyball with a bunch of other people.
Jorja and Drew
Mike spent the day working and getting ready for the cabin. He had to get the motorhome inspected. He took Bear with him who liked to pretend to drive when Mike wasn't in the car.
Driving Bear
We headed to Idaho around dinnertime. We went through Idaho Falls because Mike was still on call and we didn't want to go through pockets of no-service. Bear loved being in the passenger seat. Mike was listening to a book that he needed to read for work. So, I slept on the way up there. We got to the cabin around 12:30, just in time for bed. It is nice to be back up here!

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