Sunday, July 19, 2020

Broken Ice

I spent most of the morning trying to salvage the ice machine. I scrubbed and scrubbed. Too bad it looks like it is corroded. I think we will have to resort to a repair man. Hopefully we can get this back.
Once Mike and I were done dealing with the ice machine we finished getting things ready to go to Idaho. We had church before we left. Love home church! Mike and Bear towed the boat in the Pilot. They had no problems. Yay! I drove the van with the three other kids. We stopped at my dad's house to drop off some masks Jorja had made for Mike and his boys. My dad was supposed to fly to New Mexico while we were gone. When I got there I found out his plans had changed because of government regulations due to covid. He is now going to leave after we get back. Hopefully we will have time to finish the girls masks and get it to him. I talked to my dad down in the basement where Matt and Sam used to live. My dad said that when they left it about broke his heart. He is going to miss having them down there. Especially their five kids.

Anyway, we made it to the cabin just before midnight. The kids and I got there about thirty minutes before Mike did. Bear thought about sleeping with Preston, which Preston thought was great. Too bad he is so attached to Mike.
Preston and Bear

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