Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Her Downfall

Maysen and I went to the doctor first thing this morning. We had tried to take off her supposedly non-stick wound pad, but it was not cooperating. We finally decided to go and have the doctor take it off. Maysen was so sweet and funny at the doctors office. The doctor checked her leg first, then her stomach. We had been there awhile before she got to her breast. When she saw that wound her eyes about popped out of her head. She took a long time getting the pad off of Maysen. It hurt, but she did a much better job then we would have done. The doctor brought another doctor in to look at it and both of them spent a lot of time with Maysen. I remember Maysen was laying on the table. The doctors had been asking her how everything happened. I said, "The worse part is the only reason my husband was cooking spaghetti was for her." Maysen said, "Alas, my hatred of meat was my downfall." Hahahaha. That girl! She is awesome. Anyway, the doctors wanted her to have an appointment with the burn unit. I told them we sent pictures and they never called back so we assumed we weren't supposed to go in. The doctors said that they should have called back either way and to call them again. (I called when I got home. They had reviewed her pictures and wanted to set up a virtual meeting with her. They said that they tried to leave a voicemail, but my mailbox was full. The weird thing is I have no record of the call, but at least we now have an appointment set up for Friday.) Anyway, the doctors wrapped Maysen with AMAZING stuff! They had telfa I had been looking for. I told them I had been to five stores so far and couldn't find any. They sent me home with all they had. I am so happy about that! They also gave Maysen a strong narcotic they told her to take thirty minutes before a wound change. Yay! Things are looking up! I went to two more stores today to look for supplies. Jolleys pharmacy and a medical supply store down in Cottonwood Heights. Jolleys didn't have anything, but the medical supply store had more telfa. Yayayayay! We stocked up! Mike also ordered some from Amazon. Not going to be without that ever again! Would have been nice for Mike's sunburn legs too. They also had the adaptic stuff I was looking for. I bought some but we haven't tried it out yet. Too nervous. Isaac said adaptic or telfa. We know the telfa works, so we have stuck with that. Side note: the doctors mentioned to Maysen how impressed they were with how she has handled everything. I agree! Maysen has always HATED the sight of blood. Even if I say the word blood she cringes. Yet through this she has been a champ. Maysen said that it was so bad she had no choice but to deal with it. I guess that is one way to get over a phobia. Not recommended though.
Bear and Maysen
Jorja spent the day doing zoom classes for Step to the U. She did homework and then hung out with Layla tonight. She loved it.
Jorja and Layla
Jorja likes putting this weird filter on that makes it look like she took the picture with a disposable camera
She actually takes a lot of pictures with her disposable camera app. I think she's taken at least one a day for a month. It is hard to see through the zoom finder. Not sure why she likes it so much. Haha 

Side note... I know the bottom picture is not centered. It bothers me. I don't know how to fix it. It is not like that on the edit page. So.... yeah

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