Thursday, July 9, 2020

Jorja being Jorja

I talked to Stockton today. He is doing so well! The trio thing is tricky and an exercise in endurance though. The zone leaders showed up at Stockton's district council yesterday. One of the zone leaders, who used to be an AP until his appendix had to be removed, took him aside. He told him how much he looked up to Stockton and what a great job he is doing. He said that with quarantine so many missionaries are super depressed, except in his district. Pretty cool. Not that other missionaries are depressed, but that Stockton is doing a great job and that other people are noticing.

Yesterday Jorja posted a silly post on Instagram that said, "Comment 'ME' for a TBH" Dad, TBH means 'to be honest'. So Jorja would tell people what she really thought. She was silly and would say things like, "You are wearing a bucket hat and I'm sitting behind you." Or she would make fun of how people would do this in middle school by saying things like, "tbh we see each other in the halls sometimes!! Let's talk more!" Some were honest things like, "tbh can't wait for you to win Alta idol" Anyways, she was having fun on the drive to kayaking doing this. Then, Riley decided to post Me. Really? He really wants to know what Jorja honestly thinks of him? Almost immediately Jordyrobs liked his comment. That is when Jorja knew they were trying to troll her. Making fun of her. Kind of a jerky move. So, what does Jorja do? Well, Jorja is Jorja. She commented back, "tbh you cheated on me. rate 3/10" then she had a silly emoji. Jorja sent me a text asking if it was mean. I told her it wasn't. I told her it was honest but not rude. It shows that she has a backbone and won't let people troll her. Anyway at least 25 people liked her comment. Jorja was shocked. A few people even sent her a message telling her that was so funny. One of them was Brenton. Then he sent a couple of screen shots of a group chat where they were talking about it. They were all saying how hilarious it was, how savage Jorja was and how proud they were of her. Jorja couldn't believe it. These were Riley's old friends. Jorja doesn't know them well. To see them stand up for her was such a confidence boost. She has so many people rooting for her, just in life in general, that she doesn't even know about. I'm glad she was able to see a glimpse of it here. I'm glad Brenton thought to send it to her.

Anyway, Jorja went out to breakfast with Cori. They talked about the SBO retreat next week. Jorja had a basic plan that she had worked out with Layla. Cori helped her with some other details and then dropped her off just in time for her Step to the U class. Mike and I went to the grocery store to get some things for his trip. Jorja finished her class while we were there, so she picked me up from the store and we went to try and get her some sandals. We got in the store this time, but they didn't have any her size. We stopped by Sonic to get some lunch and pick up a milkshake for Preston. They gave us everything except Preston's shake. So, we tried again and it took forever! Cori was coming to pick up Jorja again, but we didn't get home in time. Cori was taking Jorja and Miah to get their nails done. I dropped Jorja off at the salon and headed home. I went out again to a different store and found some sandals that were Jorja's size. I hope she likes them because they were not cheap. They are supposed to last a lifetime. So.... if she doesn't like them that would be sad.

Mike wanted to test out the boat today with Jorja and Steve. Weston wanted to camp with friends so Steve decided to kill to birds with one stone. Preston wasn't sure if he would feel well enough to come, so I asked Jorja if she would like to invite a friend. She called Kate who got her work changed so she could come. Preston ended up wanting to go at the last minute. Maysen and I stayed home. Steve came over and pulled the boat with his truck. They all seemed to have a great time despite the battery dying in the boat and not being able to start the engine. Jorja and Kate hung out with Weston and his friends while Mike worked on everything. They pulled the boat out of the water and were able to find a third hidden battery that he didn't know about. That's good that they figured it out. They are going to try the boat again tomorrow.
Kate & Jorja
Preston & Jorja
Kate & Jorja

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