Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Clam Chowder

Today was... interesting. Some good, some bad. The good: Jack came over to hang out with Preston. I have talked to Jack's mom and we are going to try and get the boys together every Wednesday. I'm so thankful she is willing to do this. With Preston doing virtual learning we thought this would give him some social interaction. Preston and Jack get along so well! They played board games and went swimming. Jack brought Pandemic. We have played Legacy Pandemic and love that game. Jack brought over the regular Pandemic game which was fun to see how it differed from Legacy.

Another good: Maysen made clam chowder today. It was delicious. She followed a copy-cat Ivar's recipe. It was easier than I expected. We ate outside by the pool. Jack and Preston were able to come out and eat with us and then jump back in the pool. Perfect.

The bad... I got frustrated with Jorja today. She told me that she was going to get matching volleyball clothes with her class after school and then try to find a math book for her 1040 class and she would be home in time for dinner. Okay, no big deal. Then she told me that she couldn't find the book but she was working on math homework. Awesome. I asked her where she was and who she was with. She was with Riley. She said Jake and Aiden had to go to work. She was doing homework at Riley's house but was in the main room with his family. I was super annoyed. I had assumed she had gone shopping with girls. It did not cross my mind that she would be trying to get matching volleyball clothes with boys. Although I'm glad she was not alone with Riley, I was annoyed she was hanging out with him. I don't like him. I don't like her with him. He is starting to earn Jorja's trust back, but that scares me. So, I was annoyed about that. Then... Jorja didn't come home in time for dinner. I was livid. I texted her and asked if she had lost track of time. She said she thought I was going to text her to tell her when dinner was. Grrrrrr. I spent forever on Sunday making sure everyone was clear on the time of dinner. I said that if a conflict arose we could change the time, but I wanted a set time so everyone would know. I asked Maysen if I was clear. She said I was very clear. Jorja said she didn't remember that at all, which means she tuned me out... again. Plus, if she didn't know what time dinner was, why did she say she would be home in time for dinner and not ask what time dinner was? I was super annoyed. We waited for Jorja to get home before we ate. Dinner was nice and the weather was perfect. After dinner I asked Jorja when she wanted to talk about today. She decided she wanted to talk now and get it over with. So... we talked. Mike was there, which was awesome because he is super calm and level headed. It helped me be calm. We were able to tell Jorja why we were worried and what we were worried about. She says we are punishing her by not allowing her to hang out with Riley. We told her she was allowed to hang out with him, just not alone. She told us we were controlling. I reminded her how we let her go away for a weekend and have sleepovers with a ton of boys. Mike told her that our job was to protect her. He talked to her a long time and I can't remember everything about that now. I know that we didn't end the conversation angry with each other. Jorja turns 18 exactly two months from today... that is a scary thought. Jorja asked if she could go drive around and clear her head. She ended up picking up Brenton and Bode. I love those two boys. They watch out for Jorja. I am so thankful for them.

Jorja & Sami

Jorja, Sami, Luke, and Ryan I think
Jorja, Bode, Brenton

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