Sunday, August 9, 2020

Home and Done

We are home!!! Mike got up early this morning and sailed the boat to the boat ramp. Bear cried and cried as he left. He woke up Dessa and Kate. I talked to them for a long time this morning. It was fun. Mike was able to get the boat out of the water by himself. The boat ramp wasn't crowded, so that was great. We spent the rest of the morning cleaning up and then Jorja and her friends left. They drove the van so we could tow the boat behind the pilot. I was so happy when Jorja sent me the message that she was home. I worry so much, especially with the driving. Yay for a fun, safe trip!
Dessa, Jorja
Lucas, Jorja
Mike and I were a couple hours behind Jorja. Once Jorja got home she worked frantically on finishing her final paper for one of her classes. She submitted it at 11:59. It was due at midnight. Cutting it close, but she is 100% done with Step to the U for the summer! Yay! Yay! Yay! She got a B+ in her English class, but the rest should be As. The B+ was a bit frustrating because Jorja received 2 out of 3 points on her attendance every class. She contacted the teacher and asked what she could do better. The teacher wrote back, "You're doing great!" If Jorja would have gotten 3 out of 3s, she would have had an A in the class. I'm so proud of how hard Jorja worked this summer. She took this a lot more seriously than she did when school went online in the spring. Jorja said that she was just in denial then. Now she has twelve more college credits. She's not going to regret getting those done early!

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