Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Make-A-Wish and Making Videos

Okay, so I didn't write anything about yesterday because I wanted that post to be all about my mom. Well, yesterday Packer called Jorja. She was still asleep, but I happened to notice a call came in from him. I woke her up and she called him back. She got dressed as fast as she could and hurried out the door. She said that Packer needed help and no one was answering. He told Jorja that he knows they have group chats and he needs her to see if she can get anyone. She told him they had a girls group chat and an sbo group chat, but if he wanted boys he would need to get ahold of Bode. He told her she could make a student government group chat! Now, it seems obvious that they should be able to have one, but Packer has been so against having a group chat! Ridiculous, I know. Jorja was thrilled to be able to put a student government group chat together. They now have a group snapchat as well. They are always posting quick videos on it. Jorja has loved it. She says it is so funny. 

Anyway, Jorja rushed out the door and headed to school. She was there for a long time. I think she spent most of the time in an office writing the script for the hello video. She hurried home about 1:30 to change. She was a little stressed. She had set up an appointment to tour the Make-A-Wish headquarters with the other student body officers at 2:00. Jorja LOVED it. She said the place was amazing. She loved seeing how much thought they put into everything. They got to see the wish room where the kids make their wishes. She didn't take any pictures but felt so good about choosing Make-A-Wish for their fundraiser.

Jorja called me to tell me her car broke down again. She was able to get it into a church parking lot and then she called Brenton to pick her up. Jorja worked on a video with Brenton and Joe for a long time yesterday night. Mike and I went and got her car and then picked up Jorja to go with us to Leatherby's. I wanted to go there for my mom's birthday. We just picked up the ice cream and fries and brought it home. I also spent a couple of hours talking to Heather yesterday. I knew she is the one person in the world that would know exactly what I was feeling. She is the only girl and her mom also died years and years ago. It was so good to talk to her. I also spent a lot of time on the phone calling different people about Jorja's Step to the U grade. I called Alta and asked if they had a liaison that could help me. They told me the liaison is Jose. He is the person who hasn't returned any of Jorja's emails! Well, Jorja's counselor called me. She said she would look into it. Later that day Jose called me. He said that Jorja submitted her assignment, but he couldn't open it. He sent her an email asking her to resend it and she never did, so he never responded to her email, because that is obviously why she got the zero. I had access to Jorja's email and looked through it. I told him there was no email there. He said that if she could get it in by 5:00 he would accept it. It was 2:00. Jorja was with the Make-A-Wish people. Jorja got home at 4:30 and was able to resend it. Now, a week later, we still don't know what her grade is. The U of U locked the kids out of canvas so she has no idea if he changed her grade. Jose told me that he loved all of her papers, especially her final paper, so he was surprised that she didn't resend her file. I just wanted to strangle him. I was thinking if he would have just replied to her email like a normal person then they could have figured out she never received his email! I was annoyed he didn't apologize either. He better have given her the A she deserved.

Jorja & Brenton

Okay.... now to today... Jorja had a LONG day. They were at the school at 7:00 am and didn't finish until around 5:00 or something like that. They spent the entire day working on the hello video. Bode and Jorja went through the car wash in the bed of a truck for a weather report. I should find that video. Jorja was exhausted, but she had a great time.
Jorja & Layla
The sbos decided to give back the toilet. It was causing too much drama. They had to have some fun with it first. They used it in part of their hello video. It was funny because the senior class officers and the senators were all at the school while they were doing this. Luckily they didn't see the toilet. Sadler posted this picture on Instagram right after he dropped off the toilet to Jordyrobs. Some people thought it was hilarious, some were super mad. Oh well, what can you do.....also, no idea why Joe and Bode thought they should be in their underwear. I asked Jorja about it and she said, "No idea. Do you know how many times I have seen them in their underwear? They just don't care." Also, Jorja was super embarrassed her phone was open in this picture.
Joe, Bode, Dallen
Brenton, Dawson, Sadler, Jorja, Layla, Marshall

Kate and Jorja
I had fun watching the Jazz/Nuggests playoff game. The Jazz won by more than 20 points. It was awesome!

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