Thursday, August 6, 2020

More Paint

Mike and I got up when Bear woke us up, which is always really early. We drove to Idaho Falls to pick up the cabin lawnmower Matt borrowed. My dad was there. Sam made waffles. Nice way to start the day. We were back at the cabin by 9:00 for Mike's first meeting. He spent most of the day in meetings and then we painted the cabin. We got the back/bottom/railings done. We ran out of paint for the deck though. We did paint the picnic table with the little bit we had left. Anyway, it is not perfect, but it looks a lot better than it did before.

Jorja spent the day working on a final. She now only has one final left and she is DONE! Woohoo! She has worked so hard. I'm extremely proud of her. Jorja is planning on coming up to the cabin tomorrow with some friends. A few of her friends dropped out at the last minute. She called some boys to see if they wanted to come on her girls trip. Now Lucas and Jake are coming too.

I called Jorja tonight to talk about the cabin trip. Ellie and Aysha were at our house. They were working on some pictures that were taken on inauguration. Jorja was driving somewhere with them when they passed Alta. Some people were there so they stopped to say hi. Turns out it was her friend Sophie. Also JJ and Ian. Jorja tried to get them to come to the cabin. JJ called his mom and even had Jorja talk to her, but no dice. Jorja wants to do a sophomore adventure sometime. Haha


Jorja and Sophie
With the weird disposable camera filter Jorja likes so much

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