Monday, August 3, 2020

No More English

First thing this morning I tried to get Jorja registered so she could mess with her schedule. Except the button I needed to push to begin registration was not there. Luckily it showed up five minutes before arena scheduling was opened. I had to call the counselor's office to ask about a few things. Like Chinese. It wasn't on her schedule, or listed anywhere where we could add it. I talked to the nicest lady. She is a new vice principal there and she stayed on the phone for thirty minutes helping me. I was disappointed to find out that Mrs. Chung was only going to be at Corner Canyon this year. Jorja will have her ninth grade teacher again. She did not like her. Which means Preston will probably have her. Not excited about that.

I was also able to get English off of her schedule. She had English 1010 and 2010. (Super excited they have English 2010 now. Stockton had to drive to SLCC super early three days a week to take it. He wasn't able to have a 1st or 5th period because of it.) Anyway, Jorja passed her AP English test, so that takes care of English 1010. She took English 2010 during the summer with Step 2 the U. So... no more English for her! She is pretty excited about that.

Jorja begged me to take her out of geography her 9th grade year so she could take ballroom. She promised she would take the class online. Long story short, she will be taking 9th grade geography as a senior. Hahaha. She will also have a sophomore health class and a junior finance class. Just hitting all the grades. She did get volleyball with a lot of her friends, so that will be fun for her.

The SBOs met at IHOP to try to figure out how to pull off this video. They didn't get a lot done, but it was nice to at least start working towards something.

Preston decided to go to school online. Because of corona, the kids were able to choose to do in person or online. Preston has thrived online, Jorja wants back in the school. Preston is nervous to go back, he thinks it is too dangerous. I messaged Jack's mom and asked her if we could set up a weekly hangout for Preston and Jack. She was onboard with that idea.

I got to talk to Stockton today. LOVE MONDAYS! He sent me a picture of one of the first pages of his journal. He has the different transfers listed. Only FOUR more transfers until he's home! WOW! That is so exciting! I sent him a picture of Mike from when we were painting the cabin. Stockton sent a meme back within minutes. Hahahaha. That kid cracks me up!

Jorja had a date tonight with the boys she met hiking a few days ago. She also met Anna a few days ago. So, these three kids she has known less than a week. She had fun though. They went to an arcade and Wendys.

Kam, Max, Jorja, Anna

Jorja & Max
Anna, Jorja, Kam, Max (not a fan of this picture)

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