Friday, August 14, 2020


This first picture is blurry, but it was Jorja's last Hawk Flight School. She has gone to this four years in a row. The first year as a freshman and the other years in student government. Crazy this will be a year of lasts. I hope she gets to experience them though! Jorja texted me while she was at school and said she had an appointment to tour the Make-A-Wish facility on Tuesday. She is pretty excited about that! She also talked to the counselors and got a different email for Jose. She sent him another question asking him why he gave her a zero. Hopefully he answers from this address.

Ella & Jorja

Jorja went to lunch with some boys in student government. The boys decided they wanted to play some Black Opps video game at Jake's house. Jorja invited herself along. This now becomes a story. Every year the senior class public relations gets passed down a toilet. Yep, a toilet. I think Isaac Johnson started this, but I'm not sure. (Isaac came home from his mission to Canada today.) Anyway, last year the senior senators stole the toilet from Josh Bingham's house. When the old seniors took the new seniors out to lunch they were handed down a few things. Josh said to Jordy Robs, "You were supposed to get the toilet, but I don't have it anymore." Jordy was not happy about that and has been telling everyone he is going to steal it back. When the SBOs were meeting here Sadler talked about stealing the toilet first. Last weekend Jorja took some friends to the cabin. Jake was one of them. He is a senior senator now. He was talking about the toilet and thought it was hilarious they had it. Jorja causally asked him where the toilet was. He said it was in his garage. Well.... now Jorja just invited herself to Jake's house. Jorja drove there with JJ and on the way called Sadler and asked if he wanted to steal the toilet. He was all in. So, Jorja is at Jake's house while the boys are all playing this video game they are super into. Jorja asked Jake if she could go play with his dog. He said yes. Jorja leaves the basement and goes into the garage. She opens the garage door. Sadler is outside waiting with someone. I can't remember, but I think he is a junior in student government. Anyway, they pick up the toilet and take it to Jake's neighbor's barn. Jorja goes back to watching the boys play the game. She said it was so scary because the way Jake's house is set up, the basement window faces the garage. The garage isn't attached to the house. They could have easily seen what was going on, but luckily they were too involved with their game. Jorja was also nervous because Jake's mom called him to come help her with something in the garage and she was worried he would notice the toilet is missing. He didn't. Anyway, she was quite proud of her slyness.
Jake, Riley, Luke, Jorja, JJ
Jorja and Joe had to film their part for the SBO video. I think it was something about Joe swimming in our pool. Jorja pushes him in and he never comes up. They are going to have it look like Dallen kidnapped him. Dallen is supposed to kidnap all the SBOs. Jorja later gets a bag over her head while she is looking for Joe. Anyway, they filmed that part today. Mike was working on the boat and Bear was looking for rats while they were filming.
Jorja & Joe
Joe, Dawson & Jorja
Today would have been Alta's first home football game. Well, it still was. The students were not allowed to watch it in person though. The game was streamed. Bode had tons of people over to his house to watch the game. Bode has dreamed for years of being Attorney General. I remember Jorja telling me her sophomore year that was what Bode wanted to do. The main thing the Attorney General does is the pep rally and get people hyped for games. Mostly football. It is so sad that the thing Bode has dreamed about for years is not going to happen. He still had people over to his house, but it was not the same. It is also crazy that they aren't letting students go to games to protect them from corona, but all it is making them do is meeting in closer quarters, indoors...which is more dangerous. Anyway, Jorja showed up to Bode's house with the doom stick she got last year wearing an Alta cape that Luke passed down to her. When Bode saw Jorja's cape he got excited and ran upstairs because he was passed down a cape as well. 
Jorja & Bode
Jorja is still covered in paint hahaha
After the football game they went to classic. They were there until it closed. Jorja had a great time, but this is the only picture she got. I don't like that it is of her and Riley. I know she is trying to become friends with him again, but I do not like seeing them together. Sometimes I wish Jorja wasn't so forgiving. I'm not worried about her liking him again, I just think it is better if she stays far away from him. Too bad he is in student government this year. Not ideal.
Riley & Jorja

Jake sent a message to Jorja when she got home saying the toilet was stolen. He was not happy. He sent her screen shots between him and Jordy Robs. That is who he thinks stole the toilet. They were not getting along. Jorja felt so bad that she started beef between them, so that's a bit awkward. Jorja thought stealing the toilet would become a game where everyone would try and steal the toilet, but these guys are mad. Yikes.

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