Sunday, August 16, 2020

Sister Grisel

 We got the kids up 'early' so they could listen to Kelsee Clark give her homecoming talk over Zoom. She did a great job. You can tell she loved being a missionary. Jorja woke up to this comment on the toilet instagram page from Jordyrobs. She thought it was pretty funny.

The young women had a back to school event today. They had the three class presidents speak and had dessert. Jorja was asked to speak on coming out of your shell. She didn't prepare anything, but nailed her speech. She talked about being shy and how hard it was to reinvent herself. She talked about wanting to run for freshman office and being by the few people she was friends with not to do it, that she would only embarrass herself and they would be the only one that would vote for her. I'm glad she didn't listen! She talked about how scary it was to be outgoing. She talked about things she wishes she had known going into highschool. Not to care about what others think, reach out to people, don't worry about being in a friend group, don't wait for others to reach out to you...make the first move, boys are stupid etc. I wish I would have recorded it so I could remember everything. There were many people that came up to her and to me to let her know what an amazing job she did. Suzanne Heaton told me that Jorja said everything her daughter needed to hear. They she teared up and said, "From one mama to another, thank Jorja." Matt Reed told me that Jorja was captivating. She had everyone's attention in the palm of her hand. She should really think about becoming a public speaker. Hahaha. Little did he know that at one point that was what Jorja wanted to be. This picture looks like there was no one there, they just were mindful of social distancing and Mike and I were toward the front.
Jorja left and went to Brenton's house to meet with the other sbos. They have so much to do before school starts next week. Hopefully they can get everything done. While they were there, Sadler posted the pictures of the toilet in front of different people's houses. Then the video of the toilet being locked away. The door shuts and I lock the door. I'm wearing pink gloves when I lock it. Later we heard so many people asking who was wearing the red gloves. Hahaha

Today I randomly got pictures of Stockton! Yay!!! It's been a long time since this happened. The mission president had Stockton and his companions over for dinner. The mission president's wife sent these to me! She said, "This is Sister Grisel from the Arizona Tucson Mission. I just wanted you to know our family had the pleasure of having your son and his companions over for dinner. What a wonderful spirit they brought. We enjoyed a message and testimony from each Elder. The spirit was so strong. They are unified, kind, and respectful of each other. I am sending a picture I thought you might enjoy." After I thanked her she wrote back, "He is an amazing missionary. you did a great job raising him!" Awwww.
Elder Crawford, Elder Smith, Elder Hickey
With the mission president and his family
One more boy...

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