Monday, September 14, 2020

Bears First "Birthday

Jorja went early to school for an SBO meeting with Packer about Homecoming. She got to lead the discussion about the theme. They picked one and she was very excited about it. A Sky Full of Stars - Coldplay. She thinks this will be easy to decorate. So, the beginning of the day was awesome. The end of the day, not so much. Bode tested positive for covid. They ended up cancelling the official senior sunrise. Packer told Jorja she needed to be quarantined. I got a lot of texts from Jorja stressing out. She hasn't been around Bode for fifteen minutes since he was infected. Who tells the parents when their child is quarantined? I don't think it is supposed to come from Packer. I told Jorja that I didn't think she was quarantined until the school told us. She didn't meet the criteria to be quarantined according to the state. Jorja kept asking me the rest of the day to check my email to see if she was. We never got one.

Masked girl and Jorja

The kids decided it would be Bear's birthday today. When they got the dog they were told he was seven months old, so sometime this month was his birthday. I told them they could NOT pick the 8th! I was not going to share my anniversary with a dog! That made Preston want it to be the 8th so bad. I don't know if the kids will keep it this day every year, but that is what we did today. We went to the dog park with Bear. This was Jorja's first time at the dog park. There were so many dogs there and it was fun to watch Bear be so excited. I turned my phone on airplane mode while we were there. My battery was about to die. After we left, Mike took Maysen and Preston to get food at Chick-Fil-A and Zupas and he dropped Jorja and I off at Joanns. Jorja had some things she wanted to pick up. We then walked to Oh-Mai and got some food for us there. Mike picked us up and we headed home. Jorja started bugging me to see if the school called. I turned on my phone. No message from the school. There was a message from Riley. He wanted to know if he could ask Jorja to homecoming. While I am not Riley's biggest fan, I thought that was very thoughtful of him to ask us to make sure we would be okay with it. I talked with both Mike and Jorja about it. I even prayed about it. I still have a lot of anxiety with Riley, but I felt like going to homecoming with Riley would be okay. Still not my favorite person, but it is obvious he is trying to fix things. Anyway, Mike and I went to the store to get a few things. I saw these flowers and thought they would be perfect for Jorja. I wanted to make her happy and they just felt like her. I didn't realize how perfect they would look in her room though!

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