Thursday, September 3, 2020

Hawaiian Day

Brenton decided that today was Hawaiian day, so lot of people in student government wore Hawaiian shirts. They took a picture during school and one after school.

Autumn, Vivian, Jordan, Paige, Alex, Lucas, Janelle, Jake

Riley, Giselle, Jorja, Bode

Jake & Jorja
Jorja & Packer
???, Giselle, Grace, Vivian, Brenton, JJ, Jorja, Bode, Packer
Jordan, Ella, Riley, Lucas, Autumn, Paige
Mike, Maysen, Preston and I all left for the cabin. Jorja came home after school and we were able to see her for a bit. I stopped by Home Depot and got Jorja some tiles. We put one tile on her keychain and one slim tile in her wallet. Jorja is constantly losing her wallet. It had been lost for a few days and she couldn't find it anywhere. She told me she knew she had it after Classic. I asked her if it could be in Ella's car. Jorja thought about it and wondered if it was in Bode's pants. She wore his pants that night. She called him and low and behold it was! Hopefully these tile things will help her to stop losing stuff! Jorja is coming up on Saturday. She has school tomorrow and also wants to go to the football game. I don't want her to drive late. I think the pictures below are from a volleyball game, or something like that. Jorja also had girls night at our house. I think they just watched a movie.
Ellie, Jorja, Bode
Ellie, Jake, Jorja, JJ, Bode
We got to the cabin a little before midnight. Mike and I were both so tired toward the end of the drive. It was wonderful to fall into bed.

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