Saturday, September 12, 2020

Lows and Highs

First the lows. When Jorja woke up this morning, she saw a story that Dallen's sister posted. It was Dallen cheering at the Corner Canyon game. This is Bode's job, but he couldn't be there because he is waiting for the results of his covid test. Anyway, the video shows Dallen saying, "We are going to say the first thing three times and the second thing five." He then waves an American flag and led a chant saying, "USA! USA! USA!" He quickly changes it to a Trump flag and chants, "Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump! Trump!" Oh boy. I couldn't believe it. Jorja couldn't believe it. Jorja was there the entire game except for about fifteen minutes. Bode was watching the game from the other side of the fence and she went to say hi, six feet away of course. Apparently the audience didn't know what was going to be chanted. This is wrong on so many levels. People can have their own views, of course, but Dallen... as the student body president... leading a chant at an Alta football game. That should not have happened. It didn't take long for someone else to post a video of it and lots of people commented about what a disgrace the student body officers are. Jorja has been very vocal about this not being okay. She commented on the post and she started a chat in the student government group saying that they (as a group) need to apologize to the students and to start brainstorming. Some people agreed with her and some strongly disagreed saying Dallen did nothing wrong and was exercising his first amendment right. Of course he didn't do anything illegal, but as a representative of the school, he needs to represent all groups and not put people in an uncomfortable situation. How could he possibly think that everyone there wanted to chant Trump? He didn't. That is why he kept it a secret. Very bad move.

Second the highs. Jorja went to Lagoon with Jake today. While she was there the Make-a-Wish people contacted her to tell her they have picked a girl for her! Let me back up. When Jorja was elected financial chair she had a dream that the fundraiser would be for a little girl named Kate. She has really been hoping she would be assigned a girl. Well, turns out the child that has been assigned to her is a girl! And her name is Kate! WHAT??? Jorja is beyond thrilled. The little girl is three years old. She has a twin sister named Ellie who was just diagnosed with the exact same cancer Kate has. I can't even imagine. Kate's wish is for a backyard makeover, somewhere she can play with her siblings. They can't really go anywhere, they have to be especially careful because of corona. Jorja was told that the student government can come and help do yard work etc for this. She is so excited. I hope that she will be able to pull off a fundraiser in this crazy year!

Jake & Jorja

Jorja & Jake
Jorja was soaked when she got home. The last ride they went on was Rattlesnake Rapids. She told Jake she would go on that if he would go on Wicked. I guess he is terrified of roller coasters. Later tonight Jorja stopped by Sadler's to wish him Happy Birthday. Crazy that these guys are all turning 18!
Sadler & Jorja

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