Sunday, September 6, 2020

Run Away Boat

Mike and I made my dad's waffles this morning. They were delicious. We had church where Mike told a lot of Wyoming church stories. Bugs on the windshield, pulling the snowmobile motor, and the 'Moroni popped up' favorite. He added a new one.... sometimes you need to slow down and make sure you are in park. Haha. After church Sophie told us that this was the first time she was able to have sacrament since March. What? She lives in my dad's stake, but her ward doesn't allow sacrament at home. The nursing home is in her ward boundaries. Residents there weren't allowed to have people come in to bring the sacrament, so the bishopric decided no one in the ward should be able to do it. That seems insane to me.

Anyway, Maysen left the cabin today. She went to visit some friends that live in Rexburg. She has never met them, but has been good online friends for over a year. Although they did not know Maysen's real name until yesterday. Haha. Maysen was pretty excited to meet them. She knew the girl really well and kind of knew her husband. A few days ago her husband said they were having game night and everyone was welcome. Maysen asked them where in Idaho they lived. Turns out they were serious on her coming.

This afternoon Mike was looking out the window and said, "Is that my sailboat?" He grabbed some binoculars and discovered it was indeed his boat. Not where it had been anchored. I rushed him down on the 4-wheeler. I dropped him off close to the water. He thought he could just walk to it, the water had been so low. He told me to head home. I wasn't back long before he called me and asked to come back. The boat was farther than either of us thought. He couldn't make it. There were a group of people that had a lot of paddle boards. Mike asked if one of them could take him to the boat. They said no. Booo. Anyway, I hurried back and picked up a soaking wet Mike. We drove through lots of mud around to another spot where we thought Mike could get to the boat. This time I watched him until he was safely on. Craziness! Mike has now ordered a new anchor. Anyway, we decided to join Mike. We drove down to the dock and he picked us up there. We had fajitas on the boat. Mike drove to the other side of the water and the girls and I got out to explore. And Bear. I asked Mike to hand him to me. Mike keeps laughing and saying he couldn't believe I carried Bear to the shore. Well, Bear LOVED it. He was running around like a maniac. There was a cute little stream and he would run up and down the thing, super fast. He is usually such a timid dog, but he was so brave here! Until he got stuck in the mud with Jorja. He sunk down and almost all of his body was under. Jorja tried to get to him and kept sinking. Bear would claw his way out of the mud only to sink again. He did get himself out before Jorja got to him though, but was not nearly as brave as he was before. We had fun exploring too. Jorja and Sophie took a million selfies. Here are a few of them, along with some cool Sophie gymnastic pictures.

Jorja & Sophie

A few videos
Sophie & Jorja
I sent this picture to Stockton. The Crawford life vest came with the boat.
Stockton's companion when we got the boat was Elder Crawford. Haha
Jorja & Sophie
Picture Maysen sent
Maysen brought her friends a copy of Pillage and Plunder. She had fun teaching them and playing games all night. They played Colt Express and a couple of new games that they taught Maysen. They fed her crepes for dinner and now she is sleeping over. She is having the best time.

Jorja and Sophie really wanted to make cookies. Problem was we were out of butter. Terry has been up here a lot lately, so I wondered if he would have some. He didn't answer, Debie didn't either. So, we decided to drive over and see. It was dark and no one answered the door. Right as we were about to leave Terry called. Tyler and Missy were up here but were in Jackson at the moment. He had called them. They said they had butter we could use and the door was unlocked. Wow. That was awesome. I love having family cabins nearby! Love my family. Jorja and Sophie made no-bake cookies and they were delicious. The rest of the night was spent talking and playing games. The cabin is the best.

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