Monday, October 26, 2020

Jorja's 18 fo Today

Jorja is an adult! Officially 18! Wow! She has brought such joy to my life. A fair amount of stress too, but I wouldn't trade her for anything. I filled out the paper to have 'Jorja's 18 fo today' on the sign outside our neighborhood, but for some reason they didn't put it up. Maybe they didn't like the fo? Oh well. I checked Jorja out of her volleyball class to take her to lunch. She met us at OHP. Pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes for her. Crepes for everyone else. Mike had a meeting and couldn't come, but we brought him back an apple pancake. Maysen texted me a picture of the dessert pancake they brought Jorja. I had run to the UPS store to mail Stockton a package. Nothing exciting, just his voting ballot. Anyway, lunch was delicious and the company is the best.


Maysen, Jorja, Preston
Jorja got back in time to go to her lunch, which she spent filling out paperwork to get activities approved for the fundraiser. She stopped by Packers after school and said that the only thing she wanted for her birthday was for him to approve her activities. He didn't like that she had filled out all the papers. He wanted her to work with the committees. She is getting frustrated at all the hoops she keeps being asked to jump through, and the lack of communication. I am proud of her for working so hard. Anyway, Bode found her after school and brought her to her car. Her friends had decorated it. They also gave her a stuffed Remy from Ratatouille. It has a magnate in it and can stay on her shoulder. She loves it.

Riley, Jorja, Heyboys, Giselle, Bode, Brenton, Jake
Remy & Jorja
We took Jorja to the Labyrinth for her birthday. It is kind of like an escape room, but it is may different rooms. Most of the rooms have three puzzle things. They were actually quite hard. The nice thing was when one room stumped you, you could go to another one. We had tickets for two hours. I had a few of Jorja's friends meet her there. Ella, Giselle, Riley, Jake, Bode, Brenton and Sami all came. It was perfect because Jorja got to hang out with her friends while Mike, Maysen, Preston and I all worked on the puzzles together. We would see Jorja running around the place while we were there. For the first half hour I sat on a bench and talked to Stockton. He called right as we were going in. It was so cool to talk with him! He told me a story about how some Elders from a different mission in Arizona referred someone to them to help with service. They asked to call. It was Elder Valentine. How many Elder Valentines can there be? At the end of the call, Stockton asked which mission they were calling from. He said Pheonix. Stockton said, "Is your first name Ian?" He was stunned. Hahaha! Stockton was talking to Ian Valentine! Ian is in our ward and grew up with Stockton. I was able to tell Brenton, Ian's brother, about the call right there. It was so cool!

Anyway, after Jorja and her friends came to our house for pizza and cake. Jorja opened her presents. Maysen gave her a present earlier. They went to Michael's before Maysen's birthday. Maysen wanted things for a terrarium. Jorja wanted things to make a farm in her glove box, so when people randomly open it there is a farm scene. Anyways, they each got the other those things for their birthdays. Preston gave Jorja a new water bottle. She lost hers a few weeks ago. Jorja's big present from us was Impapa roller skates. They are pink and she really wanted them. We had looked together and they were sold out everywhere. It looked like they wouldn't be back in stock until March. I ended up finding them on eBay and was able to surprise her with them. Jorja had a great birthday. I only got pictures with a few people that came. Disappointed in myself that I didn't get a group picture. Oh well.
Jornja is seriously how she wanted her name spelled on the cake
Didn't get 18 fo today on the sign, but at least she got it on the cake
Bode & Jorja ~ he wore their sweethearts sweatshirt to her party. So awesome.
Jorja & Riley
Jorja and Sami
Jorja, Giselle, Riley and Jake all went to the top of Pepperwood to look at the stars. While they were gone, Ben came over. I had invited him, but he wasn't able to go because of corona. He takes care of his grandparents and has to be super careful. He brought Jorja a Crumbl cookie, a balloon and a card. I told them where she was and he drove up there and gave it to her. Jorja came back shortly later. She had a text from Sophie asking her to look on her porch. Jorja asked me to look, but nothing was there. Sophie told her it was pretty big. She then decided she put it at the wrong house. Jorja and I went on a little scavenger hunt to find it. We found this chair a house two doors down from us. It also had a Crumbl cookie and a card. Hahaha. Definitely for Jorja. Jorja loves it.
It was a good day to turn 18

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