Monday, October 5, 2020

Long Hold

Mike and I went to the store this morning with Bear. I sat in the front. Bear was not a fan of the back. Soon he stuck his nose under the console thing. Shortly after he was in front of my legs, then looking out the window. Guess he feels like he belongs in the front.

Maysen and I spent a lot of time looking at mixers today. I told her I would like to get her a nice kitchen appliance for her birthday. Something she could use when she moves out. The is what she picked.
Jorja and Bear
Mike worked on putting a door to the basement room downstairs. When my grandparents bought the cabin, this room was a living room. The bunkbed room was a garage. This room has never had a door on it, just a curtain. I think having a door is going to be great. It is quite messy though!
Mike and I went through the closet downstairs a bit. We have never used this sewing machine. I sent a picture on the family facebook group to see if anyone would want it. Jordyn texted me and said she would love it if no one else wanted it. She had a sewing machine already, so if anyone else needed it she would be fine. A bit later Taylor said he wanted it. That ended up working out perfect. They come up here all the time working on their cabin. They stopped by the next day and picked it up.
I spent a few hours on the phone with the ACT people. I was put on hold and almost hung up after two hours. I was so close, when amazingly someone answered! Jorja wasn't super excited about that. Haha. It took forever for them to help me. They kept trying and trying to figure out why I couldn't sign Jorja up. Finally something worked. We have her signed up to take the ACT on Maysen's birthday, just a few days from now. Not a lot of time to study, but might as well take a shot.
Luckily Stockton didn't call while I was trying to do the ACT stuff. It was so great to talk with him. He talked to me about going to Nikki's house, which was super fun. Lynn, Nikki's husband, told him that he was at his sister's baby blessing. That is true! They came to Jorja's. It made me so happy!

Jorja and Preston did their school online here. Nice to have the better internet for that. How fun that we can be up here and they don't miss any school! I know Jorja would rather be in school, but that will happen on Wednesday. Although we just found out that they are splitting the alphabet. A-L will go to school on Mondays and Tuesdays, M-Z will go Wednesdays and Thursdays. Luckily most of Jorja's friends are in her alphabet. She is sad that Giselle won't be there though.

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