Friday, October 16, 2020

Secret Room

Mike and Preston left for the cabin this morning. I am so glad they didn't go last night. Mike did have quite the adventure though. He brought the new washing machine up. When he tried to hook it up he could hear a pipe leaking. He did some investigating and found a panel behind a picture in the water heater room. He took off the panel and found a secret room behind it! Well, more of a secret hallway filled with trash. But, the knobs to close the valves for the washer were there. So, washing machine is up and running!

New bone for Bear
I honestly can't remember what Jorja did during the day. I know she left while I was in the shower. She came back to get dressed up for Grace's sister's wedding. Grace had asked her to be a server. I gave Jorja permission for this awhile ago. I did not know Riley was going to be there and I was not happy about it. That caused an argument between us. I am really trying to like Riley, I just don't right now. He has been very kind to Jorja though, and she is pretty happy with him. I just don't like it. (Jorja looked beautiful today, prettiest server ever.) After the wedding, Jorja slept over at Giselle's house. They are planning on leaving early to go to Ella's cabin tomorrow. Jorja's pretty excited about that.
Giselle, Bode, Jorja
Jorja & Giselle
Riley & Jorja
Giselle & Jorja
Riley & Jorja
Jorja & Riley

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