Sunday, November 15, 2020

Cabin Church

Today was our last day at the cabin. Well, I brought Jorja and her friends home. I was kind of hoping we could stay longer and they could do school up here, but Ella has dance tomorrow. She says her dance never gets cancelled. She is a fantastic dancer and is hoping to get into the dance program at BYU. We did church this morning. We had four different Sunday school classes going on zoom. Preston and I were on one, Mike and Maysen on another, Jorja on one and Ella on another. Glad Mike got better Internet a few months ago! We had a short break and then sacrament meeting. We watched online. Mike showed Mike Masters how to do it, and it worked like a charm. Except for the few moments when one of the speakers was on mute and Mike had to unmute them manually from here. Glad we were watching! We had a chance to sled before we left. The snow actually was pretty good and the sledding was great! We all played out front and then decided to go to the springs for the last few runs. Maysen was starting to feel sick, so she took Bear inside while we went up there. The girls had a blast. Wish we could have played longer, but I'm glad for what we got!

Ella, Giselle, Jorja

Poor Giselle!
Jorja, Ella and Giselle at a random rest stop on the way home
Jorja texted Bode when we dropped Ella off. She lives across the street from him. He came outside and they were able to say happy birthday to him. What a fun weekend! Glad we made it home safely. What a wonderful life we have!

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