Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Scone Ketchup

Maysen found out today she made her middle school reading bowl team! I'm so excited. I have been frustrated because I had no idea how the team would be chosen. Stockton's team is very cut and dry about how you can make it. Maysen has been going to practices early every Wednesday for a couple of months, but she had no idea if she would make the team. She was told only six people would be on the team. Today her school finally decided on a team. Turns out they just picked the top six people who had read the most books. Maysen was one of them, along with Jakob & Wade who were on her team last year. Yea! That should be fun!
Today we had scones for dinner. Jorja talked Mike into using cookie cutters to make them. The kids loved them . . . who wouldn't love this greasy goodness? I ate way too many of them, that's for sure.
When I put the scones on Preston's plate, I put a spoonful of honey butter as well. I told him it was scone ketchup. That was all he needed. He dipped to his hearts delight. He is the only one of my kids who likes ketchup. Mike has 'trained' them all to be scared if ketchup even comes near them. Poor kids.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Those look delicious!