Monday, January 25, 2010

Video Game Tester

Preston helped clean windows today. He loved it. The only problem was we couldn't convince him that we were done cleaning windows. He had fun going around the entire house spraying any window he could find. Then he started spraying the carpet. Then he sprayed our bread. Luckily everything was wrapped up nicely. I guess the clear bread container looked like it needed to be cleaned?

Preston also stayed dry the entire day! He's done this a couple of days now. He sure likes his "special treat" at the end of the day. (If he stays dry the entire day he gets a treat from the treat bucket - usually a small mint 3 musketeer.)

I had to laugh at Preston when he was eating his icecream. He eats it just like Stockton!
Mike had a job interview today. He also applied for several jobs (which he does everyday). Anyway, one of the jobs he applied for today was video game tester. Not that he thought he would get it, but just because it sounded fun. Stockton was so excited. He said, "I want to be your assistant!"

Maysen came home from school and said they announced that her team finished fourth in the Reading Bowl. I had no idea they did that well. Congrats Maysen!

1 comment:

Oregon Millburns said...

I love being the first one to comment on your posts! :) Preston is just so cute cleaning the windows! Way to teach 'em Steph!