Thursday, March 25, 2010


That is how many steps it takes to get from our house to Publix. Stockton and I walked there today. Mike, Maysen and Jorja were playing a game, Preston was entertained with dice and a game board Stockton had made, so I whispered to Stockton and asked him if he wanted to go on a walk with me. I love being with him. He counted his steps the entire way, but told me I could talk to him as he was counting. Most of the time I was just thinking how lucky I am to be his mom. He is amazing.

When we got home, Jorja met us at the door. She had been crying. She was worried about me. Mike said she was inconsolable. She carried around a picture of the two of us together while she cried. She went through half a box of tissues. Poor little Porge. I didn't think she would even miss me . . . and she wouldn't have if her computer hadn't frozen up.

1 comment:

Brett - Rachel B said...

oh sad!
Stockton is special!