Thursday, June 30, 2011

Monkey, Airplane, Soldier

Stockton had scout camp today and did not like it. The drive was too far, it took too long to change for swimming, they wouldn't let you dive off the diving board, you had to tie knots, the games were boring . . . . hopefully he likes it better tomorrow.

Preston learned monkey, airplane, soldier at swimming lessons. He loved showing us over and over. He would do monkey, airplane, soldier and then jump off the diving board. He also swam all the way to the side after jumping off the diving board with no help! That is huge! It took him forever, but he was able to do it.

We played with Mike's new camera again. Kind of fun. After swimming, we went running with the entire family. Jorja rollerskated. The weather was perfect. I am loving this dry climate!
Jorja's new swim cap
Preston ~ off the diving board
No soldier, but a cute Preston...and a nemo fish.
Maysen and Preston
Mike a.k.a. pufferfish
Preston's picture of the Porge

1 comment:

Natalie said...

That picture of Maysen on the slide is AWESOME