Tuesday, September 27, 2011

More Cupcakes

Maysen came home from school and made this awesome cupcake. We made one for Stockton too. Jorja didn't want any marshmallows and Preston wanted to make his own.
How can you not love this face?
Preston had so much fun making his cupcake that he forgot to eat it!

In other news . . . I found a website that has free Mario sheet music! www.mariopiano.com Stockton wasn't quite as excited as I thought he would be. That's okay, I was excited enough for us both.

Also, I got eggnog at the store. Pure deliciousness.


Anonymous said...

How did you do that? They look really cool!


Stephanie said...

Rachel, you just cut the marshmallows diagonally and dip them in sprinkles. Pretty easy if I can do it! :) (Maysen gave me the idea.)