Thursday, May 31, 2012


That is the word that Vismaya got out on.  She was eliminated in the 6th round.  The spellers eliminated in that round tied for 10th place.  In that national spelling bee.  That's incredible.  We were so excited to see her on tv!  The bee was on in the morning and afternoon.  Stockton watched the entire thing.  We were able to see Vismaya spell dysthymia correctly.  Then, just before Vismaya was up in the fifth round the recording stopped!  I guess we should have recorded the show after the spelling bee.  We have to do that with football games - just in case.  I should have known since it was on ESPN.  Stockton was disappointed. Especially since the person that was up was spelling a word Stockton completely knew.  I can't remember what the word was.  Stockton you should leave a comment.  The reason Stockton knew this word so well was because he got a spelling bee book at the library.  A CD came with it.  At the end of the CD there were practice words read by Jacques Bailly.  Anyway, another girl got a word that was on the CD.  She obviously had listened to it.  That word was bombicine.  Okay, that is not how you spell it.  Even though I listened to this CD on the way to diving for a month, I still have no idea how to spell the words.  Anyway, the girl got a big grin on her face and said something like, "Does it mean of or relating to silk worms?"  Well, I rambled on about that enough . . . and probably got most of it wrong - but Stockton enjoyed himself today.  I wish I could have stayed and watched the entire thing with him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's spelled 'bombycine', mom.

When the recording stopped, the word was 'rhipidate'.