Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Grandma Honey died eleven years ago today.  Wow, that's been a long time.  Jorja said, "I thought I was two when she died."  Nope.  Jorja had just turned three.  She was two the last time she saw her though.

I took Stockton to diving.  Yesterday they spent most of it on dry land. He had to be sore today!  Today most of the time was spent in the pool.

Jorja and Hailey managed to get to Bahama Bucks today.  I guess it was free snow cone day.  Mike picked them up on his way home from work. Some boy was hanging out with them.  Mike tried to get details, but Jorja was not forthcoming.  Mike did give him a ride home too.  He told Mike that he doesn't wear seat belts.  Mike said, "Well, you're dumber than you look then."  Seat belts are always used with us!

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