Wednesday, May 28, 2014

2 Boys Diving

I just love watching diving.  Especially my boys.  Preston is so funny. He was a little too good at diving this time.  Every time he dove he would flip a little too far and land on his back.  Once he started trying to correct it he was back to his bellyflop dives.  I can't wait until we can make it to diving more than once a week!  Most of these pictures are a little far away, but I still like them.
 Preston's back flop - just past Olivia
 I love this picture of Stockton - just wish I was closer
 Mike & Preston
 Stockton - double
 Our railings are about to be installed - yay!
Maysen lost her glasses today.  Not too happy about that.  I really hope she can find them tomorrow.  She looked through each of her classes several times with no luck.  Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

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