Thursday, May 29, 2014

Frozen Hot Chocolate

It has been a long time since we had a table to eat at inside.
It wasn't until late last night that I realized I needed to get three kids three different places.  Stockton had diving.  Jorja had a violin performance and Preston had his last baseball game.  Jorja really wanted both Mike and I to come and watch her.  I wish I had realized I wouldn't be able to see Preston's last game.  I would have tried harder to get there on Tuesday!  Burke's dad came and picked Preston up.  I put a $10 bill in Preston's back pocket.  I told him to give it to Burke's mom or dad.  They were collecting money for a coach gift.  Preston came home with it still in his pocket.  At least he didn't lose it I guess.
 Waiting for Burke
 Jorja ready for her violin concert
 I liked the cowboy hats under all the chairs
 Jorja was in the back, this is the only shot I could get of her
 Principal Robinson playing the frog & Mrs. Beninati
Mrs. Beninati is absolutely amazing by the way.  She volunteers four days a week before school to teach orchestra.  She is hilarious and the kids adore her.  She has made violin so much fun.  About two years ago her daughter was hit by a train.  She was trying to jump on it and fell under the wheels.  She survived but both of her legs were severed.  She is now walking with prosthetic legs.  Still super hard for her to get around, but that girl has determination!  Anyway, back to today's performance.  The last song the beginning and intermediate orchestra were combined.  They played 'Old Joe Clark' as they wore cowboy hats. Jorja mouthed to me, "I'm mini Cord!"  Haha!  Thanks Sam for letting her borrow your hat.  It was perfect!
The girls and I went to Cold Stone after.  They had frozen hot chocolate ice cream.  It was so good!  Probably my new favorite flavor.  We bought a gallon to take home.  Mixed with marshmallows.  Yummy!

The painters came to work on the house today!  I wasn't expecting that. They basically covered the floors and primed some of the walls.  I took everything off the walls that I could.  Rob finished putting the iron railing in.  I love it!  So beautiful with the added bonus that I don't have to worry about anyone falling through the rods!
Mike and Christen had their baby boy today!  Yay!  9 pounds 10 ounces. Christen didn't have an epidural.  She is CRAZY!  Their baby is so stinkin' cute with the most adorable cheeks!  I can't wait to see him!  It is also Abby's 4th birthday.  Happy birthday Abby!  What better present than a new cousin?  I'm not even going to try to compete with that. Now both Lincoln and Abby have a cousin birthday.  Maybe John and Cassie's baby will be born June 11th.  I would laugh so hard!  Stockton would be so annoyed.  When he found out that the new baby and Abby share a birthday he said, "I give up."  Haha!  He wants a cousin to share a birthday with so bad.

Mike took the boys in the motorhome to Lagoon.  Overstock Lagoon day is tomorrow.  We love that! Jorja wanted to go to her orchestra party tomorrow morning.  Maysen needs to finish a test in the morning and she wants to go to French.  They are watching a movie.  If she is not there she needs to do a giant packet.  No fun.  French is 1st period, so that's perfect.  We will just head down when she is done.  I'm sure we will get there before Lagoon opens.  I'm looking forward to tomorrow!

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