Sunday, May 25, 2014

Australia & Romania

I was looking through the church news at Steve & Shannon's house. Stockton's amazing scout master is in there.  President Back.  He is going to be the new mission president of the Sydney Australia mission. They just found out about two weeks ago.  They leave the end of June. Crazy!  He will be a fantastic mission president.  We are sure going to miss him.  The ward is going to miss him.  The scouting program is definitely going to miss him.  Luckily Stockton was able to get his Eagle before he left.  When he comes back, all the boys he helped through will be almost ready to send in their mission papers.  That's scary!
Weston made us waffles before we left their house.  Yummy.  We were finally able to walk on our floors today!  Yay!  It was quite exciting.  The squeaks are gone as well.  Love that!  Now the only place our house squeaks is above the kids rooms.

Mike was pretty sick today.  He was supposed to teach, but he could barely talk.  His entire body was burning up.  He sent a text to Jeff & Duff saying he wouldn't be in sacrament meeting because he was sick, but he would be there to teach.  They told him they would take care of it.  I'm so glad.  He was sure miserable.  I went to my Uncle Glade's mission homecoming.  They just came back from Romania.  Maysen, Jorja and Preston came with me.  I gave everyone the choice of where they wanted to go.  They could either go to my Uncle's homecoming for sacrament meeting and then hang out at their house after, or go to three hours of church by themselves.  Stockton chose the three hours. After we were at my Uncle's for awhile Preston realized that he made the wrong choice.  He was shocked to realize that Stockton was already home.  Haha!  Anyway, the homecoming was really good.  My favorite part was seeing my cousins.  Justin was even there!  I can't even remember the last time I saw him.  When we were moving to Utah he was moving to Arizona.  I mostly talked with Justin and Heather.  It was great.  Matt & Sam came as well as my dad, Cathy and Max.  My dad and Glade talked for a long time as well.  I think they liked that.

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